If you haven’t gotten in the habit of buying a whole beef tenderloin and butchering it yourself, I highly recommend it. It’s a very economical way of getting the most sought after cut of beef because the price per pound is far less than if you were to buy individual filets that have been prepared. You can also get several meals from one whole tenderloin, and very little will go to waste. One of those meals is delicious tenderloin shish kabobs. I usually reserve the parts of the tenderloin that are left over and have not been cut up into filets or roasts. The left over parts of the tenderloin are cut into cubes and used to make these delicious basted tenderloin kabobs.
For this recipe you will need:
- 2 lbs of beef tenderloins
- 2 red or orange bell peppers
- 1 onion
- 3 cloves of garlic
- 2 sprigs rosemary
- 2 sprigs thyme
- 4 Tbsp butter
For this recipe, I used 12” bamboo skewers, but re-usable stainless steel skewers work well too.
Take 4 to 5 skewers, and soak in water until ready to use. Heat up your grill to medium-high heat so that it’s ready to go by the time you’re done prepping.
For the skewer, start by cutting the beef tenderloin into approximately 1 inch cubes. Next, quarter the onion and separate the layers. After cutting an separating the onion, cut the bell peppers into approximately 1 inch squares, and set the onion layers and peppers aside in a bowl.
Once you have all of your skewer ingredients, start loading up the skewers alternating onion, bell pepper, beef, bell pepper; repeat until you have loaded up the skewer with about 1 inch of skewer left at the base and the tip. Continue until you have exhausted all skewer ingredients.

Once you have your kabobs prepared, lightly brush them with extra virgin olive oil and salt and pepper to taste and place on the grill. Simultaneously, place a small sauce pan on the grill, and add the butter, garlic cloves, rosemary and thyme sprigs. Allow butter to melt and slowly simmer the garlic/herb butter while the kabobs grill on their first side.
Grill the kabobs for 8 to 9 minutes and then turn over. Once turned over, lightly baste the kabobs with the garlic/herb butter that has been simmering and grill for another 8 to 9 minutes while continuing to baste periodically.

Once the kabobs have been grilled on both sides, remove from heat, and let rest for 5 to 10 minutes. You can use the the 5 to 10 minute rest time to cook a quick sides. For example, for this meal I quickly sautéed some spinach using the left over garlic/herb butter. After about 5 to 10 minutes of rest, serve the kabobs (on the skewer) and enjoy.